It was a strange game they played and she enjoyed it. The first book was complete, with ink and color, and she’d be handing it off to her friend Julie today for a final proofread and layout for printing. Julie was the business end of the operation. Her job was production, getting everything organized and to the printer and keeping them on track. When this whole project was finished, Reese was going to throw one hell of a party to celebrate. She’d asked Julie to pick up the book so she could introduce Julie to Adam. Up until now, Julie hadn’t had a role to play and Reese had been the go-between, but with as much as Adam had invested in her project, and in turn, her grade, he should probably get to meet the rest of the team. She was glad that Adam suggested they work at the shop this afternoon. Their weekend meetings were testing the limits of her control over her crush. They always sat close. How could they not? They hunched over the same pages and discussed character and story and how to portray them.