His arms wrapped around her waist and a leg lay across her thigh. She stretched and glanced at the clock. She needed to get up and get to work. “Okay, off.” She pushed his arm and leg off her. “I have work to do.” “Yeah, yeah.” He rolled over and se...
Leaving work unfinished was not how her dad had taught her to run a business. But Liam was very convincing. For a guy who normally moved slowly and methodically, he practically ran to her bedroom. They crashed onto her bed and his hard-on poked her thigh. She loved knowing she had this effect on ...
It was a strange game they played and she enjoyed it. The first book was complete, with ink and color, and she’d be handing it off to her friend Julie today for a final proofread and layout for printing. Julie was the business end of the operation. Her job was production, getting everything organ...
The first challenge was set to start in less than ten minutes, but he hadn’t seen Charlie since their run-in in the lobby. He worried that his presence might’ve scared her off. That hadn’t been his intention. He’d just wanted to hear her voice. Plus, he didn’t want the shock of seeing him to thro...
She was drunk and like always, alcohol made her talk too much. But Kai made it easy because he never talked. He just listened. And he held her. God, she loved the way he held her. Like she was an expensive treasure, delicate but not fragile. She tipped her head up and nuzzled his neck. His skin w...
As usual, she jogged from the parking lot at the last minute. She never came early, didn’t stop to chat with people, just walked with her head down. At least until she neared him. The look she shot him was both heated and pleading. He could almost hear the words Please don’t tell anyone we kissed...
Moira stared at Gabby. “I’m sure.” She hoped she covered her crush. “Why do you ask?” “I’ve never seen him this bent out of shape, and I don’t get what’s causing it.” Moira laughed. “I have that effect on him. I have since adolescence. He finds me a...
They each held a bottle of beer. The White Sox game played on the TV for lack of anything more interesting to watch. Ryan shifted in his seat. He hadn’t been able to get Quinn out of his head for the past week. The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted her, and the more he realized he n...
When she’d fallen asleep the night before, she’d tried to convince herself that her imagination had gotten away from her. Shane had been the last person she’d seen before bed and he was on her mind. His presence in her fantasy meant nothing. Part of her wanted to call Dr. Janzen and confirm that,...
How ridiculous was it that she liked a guy but didn’t even know his name? She didn’t wait for guys; it wasn’t her style. But she had a feeling he’d be coming to get his usual coffee before rushing out to rehearsal. Interesting that he drank boring old black coffee. He was such a colorful, unique ...