This is the third installment of the Razorland series. Deuce and Fade have left Sanctuary to find help from the approaching Horde of Freaks at other settlements. On there return they find Sanctuary is under full attack. After rescuing as many as possible, they bring their people to a new settlement. They must travel and recruit as many as possible to join their growing army if they intent to survive the coming war. Oh.My.Gosh! I've haven't been this pleased with the ending of a series in a while. Ann Aguirre has outdone herself on Horde, the end of the Razorland Trilogy! I waited for this and was not disappointed. If you have read the Hunger Games or Divergent series, I suggest this epic series. I enjoyed it way more than the Hunger Games and believe that other readers will too!We find Deuce, Fade, and the rest of the gang searching for ways to kill the Freaks or Muties as they call them in the town of Salvation. Though Deuce is just a girl, she must find a way to save the ones she loves. Will she succeed? Will Fade ever fully come back to her? What shall become of the other towns now that Longshot can no longer trade. Find out in this epic ending to the Razorland Trilogy!
What do You think about Horda (2013)?
This was such a great conclusion to an excellent trilogy. Highly recommend this dystopian!
I just found my favorite MC and trilogy at the same time. This book was amazing!
Not as good as the first 2 but a fitting end.