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Read Hot In The Saddle (Heroes In The Saddle Book 1)

Hot in the Saddle (Heroes in the Saddle Book 1)

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Hot In The Saddle (Heroes In The Saddle Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

She’d actually brought a pen and paper and had taken notes on everything.
They trudged back toward the house as he recited emergency phone numbers, Clint and Rex’s numbers if she needed help with any of the heavier chores, and a couple of additional tasks for her to do.
When he hit his bed, it took less than a minute for him to fall asleep. When he woke, in the exact same position, the room was dark. The sun had set. Delta had been right, he needed the sleep. If she’d only come and lay next to him, this would have been the best day of his life.
He padded down the hall. The kitchen was clean, just the under-counter lights on, but an amazing smell emitted from the crock pot on the counter. If he could figure out how to get the lid off and spoon some into his mouth, he’d be all set.
Quiet, feminine laughter came from the living room.
He headed that direction. Delta sat on the couch in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, headphones over her ears, and a tablet in her lap. She looked so young, so carefree, but he knew she had a heavy load on her shoulders.

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