It now carries some male-oriented products.
some interesting, curious toys here.
San Francisco Condomania 7306 Melrose, Los Angeles CA 90046 Good Vibrations 323-933-7865 Retail stores: Order line: 800-9CONDOMS (U.S. only) 1210 Valencia St., San Francisco CA 94110 323-930-5330 (for ordering outside the U.S.) 2502 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley CA 94702 Fax: 323-934-9784 Mail order: Web site: 938 Howard St., Suite 101, San Francisco CA 94103 This phone/male-order service is one of the best sources for 415-974-8990 ordering condoms by mail. They offer a selection of over three 800-289-8423 (in the U.S.) hundred different condoms. The e-mail site is secure.
Fax: 415-974-8989 E-mail:
[email protected] Glow Web site: 8358 1/2 West 3rd St., Los Angeles CA 90048 Good Vibrations is one of the best all-around store/catalog 323-782-9080 combinations. Their specialty is vibrators—and they have an E-mail:
[email protected] endless supply and selection.