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Read Hunt For The Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

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PP Corcoran Ltd

Hunt For The Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts

Temperatures plummeted well below zero and the snow and ice was thick on the ground. Seaton Anderson had been forced to postpone his daily treks through the woods but even the luxurious surroundings of the house became too much for him, so he requested his favorite stallion saddled up and headed out into the cold with the sound of the wind his only companion.
    Conditions were worse than Seaton expected and after only half an hour he decided to cut his outing short and return to the warmth of the house. Turning the horse around, he glimpsed the towering spires of the estate through the trees when without warning, the horse reared up on its hind legs. Seaton lost his grip and fell hard onto the frozen forest floor. Dazed, he lay still for a few seconds before the stars receded from his vision to see the stallion galloping off down the track back toward the estate house. Seaton let out a silent curse as he struggled to his feet. It was an hour’s walk at least back to the welcoming fires of the house.

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