I normally love Becky but she comes across as a spoilt brat in this book. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older or the storyline is just terrible but I couldn't stand her. Her logic was ridiculous. And not in the adorably funny way it has been in previous books but just downright annoying. Oh, you wish you'd never married your husband just because he's tired of a honeymoon which has basically become an extended shopping trip? Grow up. I was really looking forward to more of their story but now I don't think I'll bother with the Hollywood book. I have to put my hands up and admit I read this book quickly on New Years eve as I was one book away from reaching my challenge total.A friend of mine used to love these books, and having read the first I found the heroine a complete spoilt brat that I couldn't bear to read anymore. Although I must thank Sophie kinsella for saving my behind and mental state by producing this short (and free) read, I didn't feel anything more positive for Becky, her main character.
Good short story in the Shopaholic series,just wish there was more of it!
I just love Becky, as absolutely childish as she is.
Very cute and very adorable. A good quick read.