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Read Identity Man (2012)

Identity Man (2012)

Online Book

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1848875371 (ISBN13: 9781848875371)

Identity Man (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

As I picked the book from a bookstore nearby, I was doubtful that this book will be the right reading level for me. ( I am a 13 year old) But when I started reading I dove deeper and deeper into my misconception.The Identity Man is a brilliantly written novel, that contains mystery and suspence, at exactly the right balance. This was my first "Adult Book" and surprisingly i enjoyed it a lot! When I tried to figuire out and put all the puzzle pieces together, I never assumed that the ending would turn out how it did. I would reccomend this story to teens and adults that are ready for some surprises and fast page turning... I remember reading a couple of Klavan's books and really liking them. And then I re-read those books and didn't like them as much, and now I've read some others I hadn't read before and didn't like them at all. What I'm trying to say is: I think we're over, you and I.Regarding this book in particular - none of the characters were particularly interesting, the plot was hokey, and the prose was turgid. That's right, Klavan, I called your prose turgid.

What do You think about Identity Man (2012)?

loved this book first time i have read any of Andrew's books but i will read some more

Very good! gripping and descriptive action scenes! a very good thriller!

Great story line and the ending was well you can read it.

5 stars if it was not so vulgar in parts...

Audio -- Someone needs hormone control

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