Memories of his early days recall the dark porch of a house far up on a mountain, bleak atrium and silent slaves. From childhood he heard nothing but scorn of politics and men.Memmius, a noble of his own age, played with him in the forest – played whatever games Lucretius commanded. Together they stood astonished before the gnarled faces of old trees or watched the leaves trembling in the sunlight light vibrant and virile, strewn like a veil with dust of gold. Often they gazed on the striped backs of wild pigs rooting in the soil, and sometimes in their walks they met a murmurous swarm of bees or a caravan of marching ants. Emerging one day from a dense underbrush they found themselves in a clearing set all around with ancient oaks so nicely placed that the circle of their tops formed a pool of clear blue sky above. The tranquillity of this spot was infinite. They were, it seemed, in a wide path leading straight to the divine depths of the heavens. Lucretius was touched by the calm benediction of the spaces.With Memmius he left the serene forest temple to study eloquence at Rome.