Imperial Life In The Emerald City (2006) - Plot & Excerpts
The laboratories that Dick Cheney and others in the Bush administration claimed were production facilities for biological and chemical agents turned out to be agricultural testing stations and decrepit medical research centers. But what Iraq did have, and there was no doubt about it, was the knowledge to manufacture anthrax, nerve gas, and, quite possibly, a crude nuclear device. Hundreds of Iraqi scientists had been involved in clandestine weapons projects during the twenty-four years Saddam was in power, and they were still around, many of them living quietly with their families in homes they had received from the government. Some of them had been captured by the CIA and the American military. Many others had been interrogated and released. Scores more had never been questioned. Of those who were free, most were jobless. The Military Industrial Commission, which employed hundreds of weapons scientists, had been dissolved by Jerry Bremer. Others, who before the war were hired by state-run companies as a cover for their real activities, received the same monthly stipends as rank-and-file government workers, but those handouts were paltry compared with the off-the-books compensation they had gotten from Saddam’s government.
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