Incubation (The Incubation Trilogy Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts
Wyck even resists the temptation to put a few rounds into five alligators lazing on a mud bank. I’m very grateful for the ACV since getting through the swamp without it would have meant either long detours to avoid water, or taking our chances with the alligators. We see two lean-to huts camouflaged with moss and branches, not together, but no people, and I wonder if people live in the swamp or if the huts are long abandoned. Wyck wants to stop and check them out, but we’ve got enough supplies and I say it's not worth the risk. For the moment, he’s willing to go along. I don’t expect that to last much longer than it takes him to semi-forget the terror of the quicksand. I don’t suppose he’ll ever totally forget it. I certainly won’t. Gradually, the gleam of dark water beneath us gives way to firmer ground. Maple and oak trees, crowned with the neon kudzu but no leaves of their own, begin to replace the brooding cypress trees, and I can glimpse open space in the distance: brown and tan, lifeless, empty.
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