While the Shield of Avalon had assigned Thomas to live in London and watch the tower, there were other agents within the city who were doing a similar job. All of them had an understanding, if you needed something removed or cleaned quickly; you could contact them. Occasionally the work of the SOA gets dark and dangerous, especially if they discover something, or someone, that needs stopping, or are in turn discovered. Being able to count on your comrades-in-arms to reduce exposure to yourself and your goals is a necessity. I didn't ask what species would be helping Thomas clean the house, or what they would do with the bodies and blood. There were some things better off unknown, but I was sure the three corpses would go toward feeding a few people for several weeks or months. Left alone while Thomas made his arrangements, I paced up and down outside the house, impatient to learn more about Mordred’s involvement. At one time I’d considered him a friend, although those days had long since passed.