Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11) - Plot & Excerpts
The lyrics just poured out of her—her saying goodbye to her mother, traveling to Katiera, and still having no relationship to show for it all. Some of the songs were sad but most of them were more upbeat. She arranged music to some of them. She was ready to start filming music videos. Today, she was leaving on the Kiljorn transport to go to Kiljor. She couldn’t wait. She went to the landing field where she had first arrived. It was a huge field the size of a football stadium,with landing pads. Silver shuttles were on the landing pads. These were used to travel from the surface of planets up to the huge transport ships. “Miss Song!” She looked up and smiled when she saw the priestess from the other day. “Hello, Priestess HonORa!” “Please, call me HonORa. I’m just a normal female.” “Only if you call me Melody.” One of the warriors helped them step up into the shuttle.
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