“Oh fuck, they sacked you.” “I got in first.” “You quit?” He nodded and held out a takeaway coffee. Dillon face-palmed, sitcom style. “Oh man.” He took the coffee but eyed it suspiciously. It’s not like Mace had ever shown up at his work with beverages before. “I’m scared to ask.” He took an exploratory sip through the slot in the plastic lid and nodded his approval then said, “Shit, man you quit.” Yeah, it was up there with dramatic gestures, but it was done now. It’d take a long time to forget the look on Nolan’s face when he stood on a desk and made his goodbye speech. Standing with Dillon on the street while the peak hour rush built around them, it was hard to believe he’d done that. He’d even bowed like a busker who believed he was on the verge of the big time when the rest of the team started hooting, cheering and throwing things.