You breakup with Micah because you're a freaking idiot and then you call Blake? And totally panic because his new girl answers? Girl if you want this boy back you have got to get a new set of balls on you.”
I swirled the ice around in my glass with my straw. The ice was suddenly more interesting than Zoe's intense glare. “I don't know what I was supposed to do. It wasn't working with Micah and he knew that I still had feelings for Blake. I couldn't just try to keep things going when it wasn’t there with him.”
She nodded, “That's true it wasn't. But is it fair to Blake? I mean doesn't he have a right to be happy? And I know this is going to sound like a shock to you but maybe he can be happy without you.”
I stop stirring and looked directly at her. “I thought I was happy without him Zoe. But I'm not. I'm fucking miserable all the damn time. And I know that I made my bed and I have to lie in it but I was hoping my best friend would back me up.”