Although she had received flack from both donors and other administrators about allowing her students to work on this case, Yolanda had been unwavering in her support. Ford and Morgan took up places on either side of two flip charts and Ford led the discussion. “We have one obvious issue to resolve pretrial: Luis Chavez’s ‘confession.’” Gerald Lopez interrupted. “Wait a minute. The guy confessed? Why are we going to trial, then?” Dex and Parker rolled their eyes and Morgan looked away to hide her expression. Ford valiantly encouraged Gerald to come up with the answer on his own. “Well, Gerald. Why would a person go to trial if they had confessed to a crime? And what’s your definition of a confession?” Gerald looked around the room and noticed everyone’s averted eyes. “Well, it’s pretty obvious what a confession is. When you admit to doing something wrong—your admission is a confession.” Ford nodded. “Okay, fair enough. Now, let’s play the video we have of the ‘confession’ and judge for ourselves.”
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