I aint seen him in a couple of days,” K said to Dark. “The last time I saw him he was with some cat from Queens that he brought out here.“ “Word? That’s cool, “K said as he placed a rubber band around the 13th and 14th of the thousand dollar $taxxx they were counting. They had both noticed Skulls begin to act shady, but K and Dark didn’t lose sight of the mission. They’d hit Allentown, PA a week earlier and had already made the 90 minute trip back to N.Y. twice. Now as they began to learn the new territory, they continued to meet new people. The streets of Center City were flooded with heroin, weed, coke, and crack. There were literally bars on every other corner throughout the town. The one-way streets and narrow back alleyways were quickly identified as accessible escape routes in emergency situations. K heard a commotion outside the apartment and walked over to peek out of the curtain to the street below. “I don’t want to deal with nobody but Darkside. Ya’ll don’t hook me up like he do, “ said the Caucasian hooker with the heavy make-up. “He aint here ma, but I gotchu, “ said the young Puerto Rican worker under Dante’s employ. “Well when will he be back?