Ja Cię Kocham, A Ty śpisz, Wampirze (2010) - Plot & Excerpts
Although this fifth book in the Love at First Stake series is still written in the Kerrelyn Sparks flare, I felt that it wasn't as witty and charming as the past few books of the series. It was still an enjoyable read, and you can't help but adore Ian McPhie, but it just fell flat in some areas. I am, however, super excited about the new element Sparks introduced with Toni's friend Carlos!Onward to the next novel in the series! 4.5 stars Kerrelyn Sparks' Love at Stake series is definitely humorous! ^^the Ian Fan Club and his legion of female Vamp chasing away the Malcontents LOLz!! I like Toni and Ian:) so many laugh out loud moments.Oh and little Tino!! I wonder why his name is Constantine... I don't have book 3&4 :( need to get them. I missed his birthing, little Tino is such a sweet little boy ^^ I couldn't give this a 5 star because it's just funny and a bit emotional but ... nothing deep and philosophical that make me pause and think.
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