J.A. Jance's Ali Reynolds Mysteries 3-Book Boxed Set, Volume 1: Web Of Evil, Hand Of Evil, Cruel Intent - Plot & Excerpts
“Where are we going now?” Crystal wanted to know. “Back to the hospital,” Ali said. “Do we have to?” Crystal asked. “Yes, we have to,” Ali returned. “In case Sandy needs us. Now tell me again about the guys you saw at Mund’s Park—the ones with the bat. Would you recognize their faces?” Crystal hesitated before she answered. “Probably not,” she said finally. “We were driving pretty fast when we went past them. I only saw them for a second or two.” Crystal’s momentary pause had already alerted Ali’s natural lie-detecting system. She suspected that everything Crystal had said after that pause was a fib, but for the moment Ali seemed prepared to let that statement go unchallenged. “From what you did see, would you say they were older or younger?” she asked. “Older, I guess,” Crystal returned. “Maybe a couple of years older than my brother Richey.” You did see them well enough after all, Ali thought. She said, “So they might have been in high school then, or maybe even in college?”
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