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Read Jack Carter And The Mafia Pigeon

Jack Carter and the Mafia Pigeon

Online Book

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Soho Press

Jack Carter And The Mafia Pigeon - Plot & Excerpts

If, of course, after all these years of my allowing them to lie fallow they’re still up to moving for themselves. On the other hand, there’s probably one or two self-lovers who imagine that flaking me could take them to the top of their profession. On the other hand again, if I were to do unto Gerald and Les as they would do unto me, the same law that they employ might remain unconvinced that the readies that play such an important part in their decision making processes might not be so cast-iron and regularly forthcoming if the Old Firm was disbanded. Old Bill might even feel the need to put on a show trial, just to keep the paper readers happy, and I’d be number one down the steps. A number of possibilities, I think to myself. And all because I’ve lost my rag about being asked to top a wop whose shuffling off would be basically a matter of sublime fucking indifference to myself. I stub my cigarette out and reflect on how much good my holidays have done me. Even Cleethorpes had nothing on this.From downstairs there is no sound whatsoever.

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