Everything around him came into pristine focus. The woods, the stones, the people beside him. How could he use each one to complete his mission? How could each be used to keep him from success? First he needed information. Miss Catherine had little to tell them. Herriott had noticed the children playing near the beck. When he looked back a few moments later, they were gone. They had assumed the children were with Charles and Sophia, but then realized Charles and Sophia were nowhere to be seen either. That was when his friends had started calling out to them. He shouted to Herriott and Bradby. They came running down the path with Miss Fenwick following close behind. One glance at him and his friends snapped to attention, ready for his orders. “Did you call for the children?” Charles did not wait for an answer. He cupped his mouth and shouted the children’s names. He held his breath, hearing the faint echo resound off the other side of the hill.