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Read Josephine: Bride Of Louisiana (American Mail-Order Bride 18)

Josephine: Bride of Louisiana (American Mail-Order Bride 18)

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Virtual Bookpublishing, LLC.

Josephine: Bride Of Louisiana (American Mail-Order Bride 18) - Plot & Excerpts

Are you sure this is the right thing to do?” Bernadette poured another cup of coffee as Pierre explained his plan.
    He warmed his hands on the mug and sighed. “Bernadette, you know as well as I do how ridiculous this situation is. Why on Earth would my inheritance be tied to whether or not I’m married? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
    Bernadette turned away, reaching into the icebox for anything that might go into a picnic basket. Josephine had gone upstairs to change her clothes as Pierre had suggested they take a tour of the plantation and if they did that, they would need to eat at some point.
    “Bernadette? Did you hear me?”
    “I did, young man. You know I loved your mother very much. Enough to know that if that was what she wanted for you, she had a good reason.”
    Pierre watched as she lowered her eyes and looked away, reaching into the cabinets below for a loaf of bread.

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