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Read Judy Moody Gets Famous! (2003)

Judy Moody Gets Famous! (2003)

Online Book

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0763619310 (ISBN13: 9780763619312)

Judy Moody Gets Famous! (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan sebagai usaha untuk terkenal. Kalau Anda merasa punya bakat di bidang tarik suara atau tari-tarian, segeralah ikut ajang pencarian bakat. Merasa tidak punya bakat di kedua bidang itu? Berjoget-jogetlah sambil komat-kamit mengikuti lirik sebuah lagu - jangan lupa untuk menyalakan alat perekam - dan segeralah unggah ke youtube. Siapa tahu nasib Anda akan sama dengan duet keong racun. Atau, suara Anda sangat bagus tapi tidak ingin ikut ajang idol-idolan? Rekam saja diri Anda saat bernyanyi, dan (lagi) segera unggah ke youtube. Mungkin, Anda akan menjadi the next Justin Beiber, atau Greyson Change.Tapi ingat, tidak ada jaminan Anda akan terkenal. Namanya juga hanya usaha untuk terkenal, tergantung juga dengan amal ibadah Anda. Meski sebenarnya, menjadi terkenal itu sangat mudah di Indonesia yang sepertinya sangat suka dengan yang serba instan. Namun, seperti uang panas, easy come easy go, keterkenalan itu juga bisa pudar dengan cepat.Nah, seperti remaja pada umumnya, Judy Moody juga ingin terkenal. Dia ingin dirinya diliput, entah di radio, surat kabar, atau televisi. Semua bermula karena si Queen Bee, Jessica Finch, sang juara mengeja dalam bahasa Inggris se-Virginia Utara. Kemenangan Jessica diliput oleh surat kabar setempat. Dan dia pun terkenal. Ternyata, ayah Judy juga pernah menang kuis di radio. Terkenal. Sewaktu SMA, ibunya bergabung dengan paduan suara Glee yang juga pernah diliput. Terkenal. Bahkan Stink, adiknya, pernah diliput surat kabar dan televisi karena lahir di kursi belakang jip. Dia merasa semua orang di sekitarnya bisa terkenal. Sementara dia, sama sekali belum pernah. Tidak ada hal yang bisa membuat dia terkenal. Tekad sudah bulat, dia pun mencoba banyak hal untuk menuju pintu keterkenalan. Mencoba hal-hal yang bodoh pun dia lakukan, yang penting tenar. “Mengubah” biji cherry yang baru dia makan menjadi biji cherry peninggalan George Washington 250 tahun yang silam. Tapi, gagal. Membawa Mouse, kucingnya, mengikuti kontes binatang peliharaan. Hampir berhasil. Lho? Memang, dia meraih juara dua dan berhak menerima pita biru, voucher belanja, dan fotonya akan dipajang di koran Virginia Utara. Tapi kecelakaan kecil terjadi saat sesi foto para pemenang, sehingga hanya siku tangan Judy yang masuk koran. Tidak menyerah, Judy mencoba hal lain. Dia berniat memecahkan rekor sebagai manusia kaki seribu. Tapi kembali sebuah kecelakaan terjadi, ukuran jari kelingking Frank Pearl berubah menjadi dua kali lebih besar dari ukuran normal, dan terkulai ke arah yang salah alias patah. Gagal lagi.Akhirnya, dia sukses menjadi terkenal bukan karena melakukan hal-hal yang konyol, tapi setelah diam-diam melakukan perbuatan yang baik. Memang, dia terkenal secara misterius. Perbuatannya diberitakan di koran, tapi namanya tidak dicantumkan. Yah . . . seperti Spiderman a.k.a Peter Parker atau Clark Kent a.k.a Superman yang tidak hanya ingin melakukan perbuatan baik tanpa ada keinginan untuk terkenal atau mendapat pujian. Bagi Judy, terkenal secara misterius sudah lebih dari sekedar terkenal. Memangnya, dia melakukan apa?Sama seperti “Judy Moody – Lagi Mood, Bukan Mood Bagus, Mood Jelek” yang sudah saya baca sebelumnya, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan illustrasi. Covernya masih tetap keren, ceritanya masih bagus dan lucu. Kalau di “Judy Moody – Lagi Mood, Bukan Mood Bagus, Mood Jelek”, ceritanya lebih memperlihatkan sisi kreatif Judy, sementara buku ini memperlihatkan kejujuran dan kebaikan hati Judy. Sempat berbohong tapi kemudian badannya merasa “gatal-gatal” sehingga menceritakan yang sebenarnya pada Mr. Todd. Sempat mendewakan keterkenalan, tapi kemudian memprioritaskan perbuatan baik. Sementara, menjadi terkenal hanyalah sebagai bonus dari perbuatan baik itu.

In this book by Megan McDonald, Judy Moody tries everything that she can to become famous. Her classmate, Jessica Finch, won a spelling bee and Judy saw that this got her fame so she wanted the same. She tried to make up a lie about an ancient cherry, she tried to have a famous pet that did tricks and she tried to break a world record but these all ended wrong and Judy was still not famous. One day she accidentally stepped on her friends finger and broke it. They took him to the hospital and while she was there she met a little girl who had undergone a heart transplant. While in the playroom with this girl, Judy saw all the toys and dolls that the hospital had and they were all broken. She ends up stealing the dolls from the hospital and taking them home to repair. She sends them back to the hospital anonymously for the children to have to play with. An article is written in the paper about the "Phantom Doll Doctor" and Judy and her family know who did this but the hospital never does. She becomes famous without her name being posted all over everything. I thought this was a great story for young readers. It has a great message for children about being famous and doing things that will benefit others and not only for your own personal fame. I would recommend this book for second-third graders. This is a great book for transitioning from easy readers to more challenging books. I would recommend this book more for girls than boys. I think that this was a fun book that would keep students engaged and eager to read, especially since it is a series. This was also a good book because it introduced many vocabulary words. It talked about a spelling bee, so the words were spelled out in the book and this would be good for students to learn new words and their correct spelling while reading.

What do You think about Judy Moody Gets Famous! (2003)?

I thought this book was very entertaining. It would a great book for 3rd graders that are just beginning to read chapter books. The concepts and words are very easy to read. I especially love the pictures. I think students at this age are tired of the funny story books with pictures on every page. They are now a little more advanced and reading more text than pictures. These pictures are placed just at the right spots to assist the reader in understanding the story line and characters. Judy Moody is a third grade who considers her life to be extremely boring in this book. Although she has loving parents, a funny little brother; Stink, a best friend; Rocky, and a cat; Mouse, she is still striving to become famous and popular like her classmate Jessica. Jusy tries so hard to become famous or find clues that would lead her to her TV star life. For example, she digs through her old baby scrapbook to try and find a tiny hint of popularity, but she simply can't. Judy learns at the end that being famous is not the most important thing. After accidently injurying a friend, she goes to the hospital to check on him and finds a very interesting talent she didn't know she had. I rated this book with 3 stars because I know kids will enjoy, especially girls. They are very easy to realte to and I know kids will be laughing at Judy and her friends throughout the book.
—Morgan Elliott

Judy has more depth and dimension in this second installment. She still harbors some of the same feelings about her brother Stink, but their relationship is more amicable. And although envy and jealousy motivate much of Judy's quest for fame, readers can't help but feel for her when she can't find a single event in her life to earn a place in the Moody Hall of Fame. Throughout the text she learns the difference between becoming famous, infamous and just plain criminal. Judy might be known for being moody, but by the end of this text, she's also known for having a tremendous amount of heart.
—Erin Ramai

Wah g suka banget ma yang edisi ini. Sejak berkenalan dengan Judy Moody, g tau kalau anak ini spesial justru karena kelakuan khas anak-anaknya. G berkata begini karena akhir-akhir ini g liat anak-anak cenderung bertingkah tidak selayaknya seumuran mereka. Kasian banget, keknya bertingkah normal itu jadi sesuatu yang mahal banget *curcooool* hahah!Back to Judy Moody...selain lucu, buku ini juga banyak menyampaikan pesan moral positif. Misalnya seperti : tidak semua yang u harapkan bisa terwujud, tapi minimal kita berusaha mencapainya. Terus kek...Tidak kenal putus asa, ada nilai yang lebih penting untuk diperjuang dari pada sekedar popularitas misalnya. Yah semacam itulah.Terus coba liat covernya...kereeeeenThx to penghuni radal dah!
—Ordinary Dahlia

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