Milujem takéto knihy. Kde je príbeh prelínajúci sa so súčasnosťou a zároveň inšpirovaný literárnym dielom. Alebo ako tu sa literárne dielo (Rómeo a Júlia) inšpirovalo (vraj) skutočnosťou. Proste som sa zamilovala... Nie, nie do Rómea. Ani do Júlie. Ale do Sieny. To mesto je fantastické. Boli sme tam na svadobnej ceste a ešte sa tam chcem vrátiť... Ak hľadáte romantiku a históriu a tajomstvo a kliatbu v jednom, máte to mať. A áno, aby som nezabudla, kniha sa hodí do mojej "zbierky" kníh o dvojčatách - príbeh sa točí aj okolo jednej zo sestier dvojičiek - Júlie. As a fan of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. A story rich in history and character, and weaving the past into the present beautifully. I loved the plot, but struggled with the climax. Besides the fact that things did not roll out as I anticipated, quite honestly, things got weird. Very weird. Also many of the key elements of the plot became coincidental findings or very thinly explained away. A very enjoyable book until the last 100 pages - and still a page turner.
What do You think about Julie (2010)?
I didn't like it as much as I did three years back, but it was still a nice, enjoyable read.
Kinda silly plot and the writing wasn't great either.