It’s not that I mind having her catch me playing at receptionist, it’s just that I felt totally unprepared to manage the situation. Too many things are happening at once. I’ve just agreed to watch Miss Meechum show me her hacking talents, and I’m still worried about the fact that Ingrid has my goolies in her pocketbook. Now the mystery woman who was supposed to stay in my past forever, but who I cannot get off my mind, is calling me at work? Surprise! Welcome to the looney bin! I used to fancy myself a multi-tasker of the highest degree. I now know that to be a complete falsehood and more than a dramful of wishful thinking. Sadly, I am like most men I know, one-track minded. And right now my mind is on the track of getting rid of Ingrid and the little problem she presents. That’s my excuse for mucking up the call with Jennifer and making a complete toad of myself. I didn’t even get her last name when I had the opportunity. I should know better than to try to be cute.