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Read Just One Night, Part 3: Binding Agreement

Just One Night, Part 3: Binding Agreement

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Simon & Schuster UK

Just One Night, Part 3: Binding Agreement - Plot & Excerpts

It’s not just that I need space this time. Things are getting out of hand but the most frightening part about it is that his ideas, propositions, and philosophies that I know are unethical are becoming more and more alluring.
    So I don’t reach out to him. Instead I make myself a salad, open a bottle of wine, and cry. Maybe it’s because this isn’t the life I imagined. It’s so much more and so much less. Eventually I call my friend Simone. She doesn’t berate me for evading her for weeks on end. Instead she simply listens to the notes of emotion in my voice and tells me she’s coming over.
    She arrives holding a bottle of Grey Goose by the neck. She studies me, standing in my doorway like an expectant trick-or-treater. I’ve changed out of my suit into a long silk robe; my hair hangs loosely over my shoulders. “Wow,” she says as she finally enters, walking past me. “What a difference a month makes.”
    I follow her into the kitchen, where she leans against the counter holding the vodka against her heart.

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