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Davis, Kyra books

Davis, Kyra
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Read Books by Davis, Kyra


Vanity, Vengeance And A Weekend In Vegas (A Sophie Katz Novel)

 --Death of the Party     Anatoly was still the only thing on my mind as the elevator doors opened to the main lobby. If he could just be down here, waiting for me…even if he was with another woman I just needed to see him!  I stepped out and scanned the room. “There you are!” I froze and turned ...

Vanity, Vengeance And A Weekend In Vegas (A Sophie Katz Novel) by Davis, Kyra

Just One Night, Part 1: The Stranger

High ceilings, neutral colors. Even after the sky’s turned black, the dining room feels as if it’s being filled with soft sunlight. It’s what I need for this moment as I sit across from Dave. He’s talking to me about work, about family, about rubies—did I know that you can no longer directly depo...

Just One Night, Part 1: The Stranger by Davis, Kyra

Just One Night, Part 3: Binding Agreement

It’s not just that I need space this time. Things are getting out of hand but the most frightening part about it is that his ideas, propositions, and philosophies that I know are unethical are becoming more and more alluring.     So I don’t reach out to him. Instead I make mys...

Just One Night, Part 3: Binding Agreement by Davis, Kyra

Just One Night, Part 2: Exposed

Every one of Asha’s comments and questions were completely appropriate. Her composure was perfection. Mine, not so much. I knocked over a bottle of water on my files, I tripped up on my words, I had to ask Taci to repeat her proposal for Maned Wolf’s international repositioning twice.   ...

Just One Night, Part 2: Exposed by Davis, Kyra

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