She had every quality a good tattoo artist needed - she was friendly, she was patient, and she was an amazing goddamn artist. She was surprised to find that, even though it was the sort of place where she was paid in cold, hard cash, and she knew the biker gang had something to do with it, she was mostly inking… soccer moms. Okay, not only soccer moms, but there were a lot of women in minivans. “Hey, you ready to close up?” Marcos asked. “Yeah,” Allie said. “I don’t think we’ll get anybody else walking in tonight, not with that rain.” “I want a beer, and a joint, and to get the fuck out of here,” Marcos said, stretching the kinks out of his back and getting off his tall stool. “You got any appointments tomorrow, chica?” “Two, one wants some flashed gussied up, that’s in the morning, and China is coming in for a custom leg piece at two, dunno how long that will take.”