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Read Justin Morgan Had A Horse (2002)

Justin Morgan Had a Horse (2002)

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0689852797 (ISBN13: 9780689852794)

Justin Morgan Had A Horse (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

Justin Morgan didn’t really want a horse. What he wanted was cash to pay for his doctor’s bills. But his friend, Farmer Beane, has nothing else to give him as payment for the loan Justin generously gave him. So Justin accepts it. Joel, a student who has been traveling with Justin, is tickled when Farmer Beane throws in a scrawny little colt as part of the bargain.But Joel’s father won’t let Joel keep Little Bub, as he calls the horse. Justin Morgan lets him gentle Little Bub, but then rents him out to the surrounding farmers to bring in some extra cash. Will Joel ever be able to call Little Bub his own?Discussion.Joel’s father is a harsh, insensitive man who does not understand Joel’s character. Joel does not disrespect him, but both he and his mother feel his lack of empathy. He forbids Joel to keep Bub, and arranges to send Joel to Mister Chase, the miller, as an apprentice. Mr. Chase is a relational man who views Joel as a son. He and Joel get along wonderfully.Although a “horse story”, Justin Morgan Had a Horse has historical significance – the Morgan horse is one of the earliest American breeds, and is still a favorite breed for horse riders today.Justin Morgan, Joel’s schoolmaster, is a religious man who quotes Scriptures to Joel. This obviously influences Joel, who prays whenever he is in difficulty.Conclusion. Good. Animal lovers will enjoy this story.Visit The Blithering Bookster to read more reviews!

GROWING UP TOGETHERI must be romping through my second childhood because I still love this classic equine tale about the founder of a truly American breed of horse. I enjoyed it now just as much as when I was young; Henry's story holds up with successive readings since the human emotions are sincere, and the dramatic events are true. The young protagonist, Joel, has a passion for horses; as a young man he dreams of finding his beloved, Lil Bub, the first Morgan colt whom no one wanted. Even more, this is a story of Vermont--famous for its Green Mountains and courageous patriots--during the War of 1812. Later on in the story we witness a brief but triumphant presidential visit, where the Morgan horse was publically recognized. Plenty of dialogue, short chapters and excellent b/w sketches by Wesley Dennis combine to give us a delightful gallop into the Yankee past. No one knows for certain who sired the "little" colt, whom only a poor boy could admire, but tales of his racing speed and pulling strength quickly made him a local legend, with farmers eager to get stud rights. Like BLACK BEAUTY this book is written for kids and horse lovers of all ages. (PS: Because they are so strong and fast Morgans are the horses of choice used in the National Park Service.) February 6, 2013. I welcome dialogue with teachers.)

What do You think about Justin Morgan Had A Horse (2002)?

Meet Marguerite Henry, one of my favorite childhood authors. Why? Because all the stories I read by her were about horses, and like most young girls, I was horse crazy. Justin Morgan Had a Horse was her only chapter book that I remember reading through three times. I recommend it to all fellow horse-lovers out there. The true account (with a fictional twist) of how the popular breed Morgan came to be in the late eighteenth century, you’ll find it inspiring and fun.It all begins in 1791 when likable school teacher Justin Morgan accepts Little Bub, a scrawny colt, as payment for a debt owed him. Feeling he is stuck with the short end of the stick, Justin doesn’t see much potential for Little Bub. But he hands him over to Joel, an eager young student, as a project. It is Joel who discovers the unique, strong, and soon-to-be-famous horse he has the privilege of training. Turns out Little Bub isn’t so little; he’s a colt the world will not soon forget. Enjoy the exciting story of this obscure horse turned celebrity and get a history lesson while you’re at it. You’ll never look at Morgans quite the same way after you understand their memorable ancestor: Little Bub.Recommended read-aloud age: all agesRecommended read-alone age: 8 and upMy blog:
—Abigail Larsen

Oh, my goodness, I loved this book when I was a kid.At first I didn't. I wasn't horsey, and it was a book about a BOY. But, it was one of the rare fiction books I was allowed to read, because someone suitably churchy gave it to us, so I got to read it. And I think it surprised me, with its detail and life, and the fact that the boy had feelings and longings and failed and tried and succeeded. I learned that a.) boys were probably not subhuman and b.) horses might be interesting.And then a few years later, I got a job at a summer camp where I was required to Do Things With Horses. Who would have ever thought!?I can honestly say this is a classic.
—Tanita S.

This book, Justin Morgan Had A Horse, is a classic tale about Justin Morgan, the founder of a great American breed of horse. It all started because a farmer owed Justin some money. The farmer couldn't pay the debt, so instead, he gave him two horses. One large horse was named Ebenezer and the little runt was Lil Bub. Once they arrived back in Vermont, Justin Morgan sold Ebenezer and kept Lil Bub for Joel. Joel Goss was a young boy and one of Justin’s students. Justin had asked him to break the colt in and Joel had immediate connection with his horse. No one wanted Lil Bub since he was the runt, but with the help of Joel Goss, he treated Lil Bub with care and kindness. Soon Lil Bub was stronger than a pair of oxen and faster than thoroughbreds! He became known as the Morgan horse. Not only is this a story about the Morgan horse, it is also a story of Vermont during the War of 1812. No one for sure knew who sired the colt, but stories of his pulling strength and racing speed made this horse a legend. The author did a fantastic job writing the story and including true major events. This book was an interesting read and I definitely recommend it to kids and horse lovers of all ages. If you enjoyed this book I would suggest some other books by Marguerite Henry, including King of the Wind: The Story of the Godolphin Arabian, Misty of Chincoteague, Stormy, Misty’s Foal, and Misty’s Twilight.

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