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Read Kiss An Angel (1996)

Kiss an Angel (1996)

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0380782332 (ISBN13: 9780380782338)

Kiss An Angel (1996) - Plot & Excerpts

Kiss an Angel was my first Susan Elizabeth Phillips book and it may be my last. I am usually pretty easy to please when it comes to what I choose to read. I don’t often dislike books that I read. Further, I really hate it when a book rubs me the wrong way. Alas, that is what happened with this book. I did not connect with either the hero or the heroine and I came away from reading the story not liking either character very much. I realize that I am in the minority when it comes to my opinion regarding this book. I will state that I respect all the great reviews out there and by no means do not take my review as a reason to not give this book a go. Kiss an Angel was just not the book for me.Let us meet Daisy Devreaux. She has led a charmed and carefree life where she has been spoiled and sheltered. She definitely comes across as an airhead and a simpleton. Daisy is blindly optimistic about every situation, sometimes to the point of foolishness. She is full of optimism, love, bubbles and sunshine. “She (Daisy) dug her nails into her palms and told herself she had no choice. "I, Theodosia..." She gulped for air. "...take thee Alexander..." She gulped again. " be my awful wedded husband...”Now, let’s meet Mr. Condescending, Alex Markov. He is intense and most people give him wide berth. Alex is definitely not a man who seems easy to get along with. I found him mean, condescending and moody. “I told you from the beginning how this was going to be. I don’t respect you – I don’t even like you very much – and I sure as hell don’t have any intention of playing the bridegroom.”This tale begins at the nuptials between Daisy and Alex, both individuals being forced into the marriage. Daisy was foolishly irresponsible upon the death of her mother and spent away any money left by her mother until the debts piled up so high that creditors were after her. Her father, the wonderful man that he is (*sarcasm*), gave her two choices: she could either go to jail or marry Alex Markov. As for Alex, he was indebted to Daisy’s father and the marriage arrangement was the hefty price he was paying in to order to even things out with his debtor. The “arrangement” was for Alex and Daisy to remain married for six months. Alex was left with the charge of taming the simpleton and introducing her to the real world while Daisy was to stick it out for the full amount of time if she ever wanted to see another penny from her father. It was a recipe for disaster from the start.So, Alex takes Daisy with him to the circus....yes, that’s right....the circus. This part I actually found very enjoyable. He is a performer and a manager for the Quest Brothers Circus and introduces Daisy to this rough world fully expecting the dim-wit to run for the hills once she got a taste of the life. Daisy surprises everyone when she rises to the challenges set before her. She is determined to prove something and stupidly is determined to make her sham of a marriage work. Ok, I was fine everything up until this point. Yes, Daisy and Alex were irritating but I fully expected to warm up to them.That did not happen. I usually love innocent and sweet heroines but Daisy just rubbed me the wrong way. I am not sure I can even pin point the specifics that attributed to my feelings towards her. I understand that the author was trying to make Daisy out as a sweet girl who wins the boy with her unconditional love and determined demeanour. That did not work for me. I hated how she just allowed Alex to treat her like crap and walk all over her. She never stood up for herself, specifically when she was accused of a “crime” and it was something she was punished for. I never felt that she had the upper hand at all expect maybe towards the end. I also hated the fact that she was so determined to make something of her relationship with Alex when he was such an ass-hat to her. I did not find it believable that even an airhead would want to continue to be in a marriage with someone who treated them so wrongly and unjustly. I really disliked Alex for the majority of the book and by the time he actually did something self-less and sweet (at the 80% mark!), I simply held no more compassion for him and could not muster up enough energy to care about his redemption. Alex was rude, domineering, arrogant and an ass. I want to explain that I usually have no issues with these types of males. I actually usually like to read about an alpha jerk. However, what bothered me the most about Alex is that I felt he was so condescending, mean and haughty. He was just too irritating and insufferable for me. No amount of time would have redeemed him in my eyes. Perhaps if we saw more glimpses of his humanity earlier on in the storyline I would have been able to come around and forgive him. That did not happen, at least not for me.My intention is not to turn off anyone from reading Kiss an Angel. I am just expressing my opinion, which again is in the minority. If you have not read this book, give it a chance. You may end up discovering a story that is very enjoyable. There was some humour that had me laughing but it simply did not make up for my dislike of both the main characters.That is all.

6 stars!!!After reading Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ book “It Had to Be You,” I just had to pick up another book from Susan Elizabeth Phillips! The next book I ended up picking up from her was “Kiss An Angel” and after hearing so many good reviews on this book, I just had to give this book a shot! Oh my goodness, I was definitely blown away by this fantastic romance novel that will make me view the circus as a magical adventure of a lifetime!Daisy Devreaux was a spoiled rich girl who was forced into marrying a rough and humorless Russian man named Alex Markov in order to avoid going to jail. However, when Daisy goes to live with her new husband, who happens to run a circus, she will soon discover some dark secrets about Alex that might make her love this mysterious man or hate him even more.Oh my goodness! This book was just simply…HEAVENLY! Susan Elizabeth Phillips has done a brilliant job at writing this unique, one of a kind romance story about two lovers who are extremely different from each other, but are able to find the true love that will hold them together! I also loved the fact that this book takes place at a circus since it is rare that I read a romance novel that takes place in the circus and it was awesome seeing all the different dynamics of how the circus works and what the workers at the circus have to go through to make their shows perfect. Susan Elizabeth Phillips has also done an excellent job at portraying each character in this story, but my most favorite characters in this book are none other than the main characters Daisy Devreaux and Alex Markov! I just loved Daisy Devreaux as the undisputed heroine of this story since her transformation from a spoiled rich girl to a brave and mature woman by the end of this book was truly fantastic to see and I loved her personality as Daisy may seem naïve at certain points of the book, but she truly has a big heart and is willing to help anyone in need. I also loved her relationship with Heather, a young teenager who was introduced in this book (although Heather did annoyed me a bit at the beginning of the book) and I loved how Daisy was able to connect so much with Heather despite Heather’s bad attitude at first. Now, onto the best character in this book and that happens to be Alex Markov! I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Alex Markov to death as there are so many layers to his character that makes him extremely mysterious and yet engaging to read about! Since I am a huge fan of bad boy heroes, Alex Markov definitely tops the list of my top favorite bad boy heroes in romance novels since he has a tough and brooding attitude and yet, he is so seductive and caring at the same time once people get to know him better. I also loved the fact that Alex Markov participates in the circus and I especially loved his Cossack play act that resonates with his Russian roots where he dances so erotically with his whip. It was also interesting seeing the more mysterious side of Alex that he refuses to tell Daisy about since it brought so much mystery to the story and I really wanted to learn more about this mysterious handsome Russian man! The relationship between Daisy and Alex is what many romance fans would consider “unusual” since they both have different personalities (Daisy is flighty and kind while Alex is brooding and mysterious) but when their love for each other shows, sparks fly like nothing else and their romance with each other is just so sizzling hot!For anyone who does not like sex scenes, this book has many sex scenes that are extremely explicit and they might want to skim over these scenes. Also, this book has extremely strong language, although the language was never frequent and only shows up sparingly throughout the book.Overall, “Kiss An Angel” is clearly one of the best contemporary romance novels around and has one of the best bad boy heroes ever around, Alex Markov! I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to any hardcore romance fan who is looking for a wonderful romance novel to read!Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog

What do You think about Kiss An Angel (1996)?

4.5 starsSusan Elizabeth Phillips is rapidly becoming one of my go-to authors. More and more these days I’m finding that contemporary romances and erotica have characters or plots so similar they become one big blur. What a treat it is to read Ms. Phillips’ older books. Some of them, such as Kiss an Angel, were written nearly two decades ago. Not only do they stand the test of time, they give the new kids on the block a run for their money. Every story and each character is so distinctly different. I can honestly say I’ve never read a book that combined an arranged marriage with life under the big top until now. “I, Theodosia… take thee Alexander… to be my awful wedded husband.” I knew from the start that I would love this unique gem. Daisy is the daughter of a former ambassador to the Soviet Union and a glamorous British fashion model. Her parents never married. She was raised by her mother in an unorthodox manner but has always lived a life of privilege. She is refined but lighthearted, honest, giving, entertaining, and pure. She has a romanticized view of marriage.Daisy has always fallen short of her father’s expectations. After her mother’s death, Daisy gets herself into a financial mess and is facing time in jail. Her father is ready to wipe his hands of her but agrees to bail her out under certain conditions. She must marry a man of his choosing. If she stays married for six months she will receive a trust fund; if not, she will go to jail. She meets her new husband three days later. Daisy knows nothing about Alex Markov other than he is of Russian descent. He is tall, dark and devastatingly handsome but he is brooding, humorless, intimidating, mysterious, and cold. He believes he has lost his capacity to love.Immediately after the wedding Alex whisks Daisy off to their new home – a run down traveling circus that he manages.I’m not going to lie. The first part of the story is a bit of a downer as Daisy struggles to adjust to her new circumstances and she becomes a social outcast. It’s like when you can’t protect your child or best friend from the bullies at school. I pretty much hated all the characters. I’m looking at you, Sheba.Kudos to Susan Elizabeth Phillips though for evoking such strong feelings in me. Then Daisy sweeps in with her ray of sunshine and you just know it’s only going to be a matter of time before her light changes everyone for good.I loved learning about circus life. I felt like I was right in the center ring witnessing the performances and walking the fairgrounds. The smells and sights are practically tangible.Ms. Phillips amazed me with how she takes the circus animals and transforms them into such key characters. I adored Sinjun, the Siberian tiger, and baby elephant Tater stole my heart.Kiss an Angel is a great example of the type of love story I find most gratifying: the slow burn. As the Alex and Daisy get to know each other their attraction builds gradually, and the declarations of love are slow to come. “I can’t resist you,” he said quietly. “You know that, don’t you? And I’m tired of pretending I can. But I don’t love you, Daisy, and you can’t begin to know how sorry I am about that because if I could choose anyone in this world to love, it’d be you.” Their relationship is realistic and when they finally get together the payoff is great. The connection between Daisy and Alex is more than electric. It’s hot without being trashy. It’s sensual and passionate. Susan Elizabeth Phillips tends to create strong heroines who are more than surface deep. His fists clenched at his sides. “Damn it! Where’s your pride?”“Pride? It’s in my heart, of course.”“You’re letting me demean you!”She smiled. “You can’t do that. I can only demean myself.” Daisy is a lovely contradiction between who she truly is and how she’s viewed. She’s intelligent but considered an airhead. She’s gorgeous but having grown up in her mother’s shadow she doesn’t appreciate the strength of her own beauty. She’s a woman of principle and yet her integrity is always in question. Despite being raised by a promiscuous parent Daisy believes sex is sacred. She’s delightful in every way.And, okay, I predicted the plot in places but that didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the journey along the way. If you’re looking for a whimsical and heartwarming story I highly recommend this one.

To sum it up: Pretty, flighty Daisy Devreaux can either go to jail or marry the mystery man her father has chosen for her. Arranged marriages don't happen in the modern world, so how did the irrepressible Daisy find herself in this fix? ...Alex Markov, as humorless as he is deadly handsome, has no intention of playing the loving bridegroom to a spoiled little featherhead with champagne tastes. He drags Daisy form her uptown life to a broken down traveling circus and sets out to tame her to his ways- But this man without a soul has met his match in a woman who's nothing but heart. Before long, passion will send them flying sky high without a safety net, risking it all in seach of a love that will last forever...★This book is definitely worth 5 glorious stars!★This book has one of the most unique story-lines I've ever read in a romance novel... It takes place in a circus, which was totally new for me and I loved every single second of it! One reason this book was recommended to me was because of my love for heroes who can be complete jerks... *sigh*... And I must say: ...I'M IN LOVE WITH ALEX MARKOV! ♡ He was such a lost soul, who suffered so much throughout his entire life and was absolutely sure he just wasn't able to love anyone or anything. He believes he's guided by a greater good when he makes things difficult for the heroine Daisy, in order to discourage her love for him. Daisy on the other hand was completely opposite from our hero Alex- She had lived her entire life trying to gain the approval of a father who has never really seen what a remarkable woman she had turned into, regardless of the promiscuous lifestyle Daisy’s beautiful mother had subjected her to. She's innocent, kind, and oh-so vulnerable. By living through her trials in the circus she attains that self confidence that's always been missing in her life. Each of these characters have both strengths and weaknesses, and each of them have to also learn how to become stronger in their areas of weakness. They're tested through many trials, and there transformations are beautifully breathtaking. There were times in this story when I cried, times when I laughed, and never a time when I wanted to put this book down- This is my first time reading a Susan Elizabeth Phillips book, and I have to say I'm absolutely BLOWN AWAY! This was such an emotional read, (my favorite kind) and has a way with taking you into her characters so well that you feel like you're actually a part of the story itself. She also has a way with adding a little lighthearted fun too, which I'm surprised to say was an aspect that I truly appreciated. This story is a definite re-read for me I'm proud to say that it has officially made it to my "favorites" shelf- If you're contemplating giving this story a shot for some reason or another, do yourselves a favor and just give in... Trust me, you'll be disappointed with yourself if you forgo the opportunity to read this book.
— ✿Alyssa✿

Amé este libro tan malditamente desde el primer capítulo. Es perfecto, amo la forma que está escrito y como te atrapa desde el principio.Me hizo sentir muchas cosas en muchos momentos, esos tironcitos en el corazón que se siente algunas veces de angustia y otras de felicidad. Me gustó mucho la comparación que hacía Daisy de Alex con el tigre Sinjun. Al principio, cuando me dí cuenta que el escenario sería en un circo pensé en que no sería un libro tan bueno, sin embargo, juzgué mal.El escenario es lo que le da al libro un toque especial y los animales también son personajes importantes (Tater y Sinjun).Amé como ella lo cambió y a su vez, ella cambió también. Ella dejó de ser esa tímida, inocente y genuina chica que siempre se preocupaba por su maquillaje y a sentirse más valiente y capaz con cada obstáculo que superaba. Él, por otra parte, pasó de ser tan cerrado, y creer que era incapaz de amar a poco a poco comenzar a sonreír y a romper esa muralla que cubre su corazón, a pesar de que aún en su mente, sigue creyendo que las emociones son iguales al dolor.El tema principal del libro, obviamente se basa en la relación de ellos y no es algo muy complicado de entender. No creo que haya nada más que decir, solo LÉANLO, es muy bueno y por más que tiene muchas cosas que quizá en otros libros serían tontas y aburridas, en éste se ven totalmente distintas. (view spoiler)[—Ya no te amo —susurró ella. —No te amo en absoluto.A él se le puso un nudo en la garganta.—No importa, cariño. Yo tengo amor suficiente por los dos. (hide spoiler)]
—Lucinda Maddox

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