Paige dashes downstairs to stop them coming in. We need to shoot out as quickly as we can, not waste time as Evan makes polite conversation with Catia while we’re desperate to get out and start searching for Kelly. Kendra follows: I take an extra, crucial few moments on the laptop before slamming it shut and tumbling down the stairs myself. Catia will just think our hurry is because we’re keen to explore Venice by night. Besides, her attention’s entirely focused on the possibility of Kendra running away; she isn’t remotely worried about Kelly. Hearing that Kelly’s sleeping off her headache, Catia nods briefly, tells us to stick together—with significant glances at me, Paige, and Evan—and shepherds us out into the soft, warm Venetian evening. The atmosphere is completely different after sunset. This is the passeggiata, where locals come out after dinner to stroll through the streets, stop at coffee bars, chat, meet up, flirt, fall in love; you hear all these songs about love being in the air, but this is the first time I’ve actually felt it.