Ravensworth and his officers laid plans to ride southwest into the Kingdom of Bavaria, another of the member states of the German Confederation. Lenora gathered that the earl judged his militia stood a better chance of evading capture there and of joining forces with others to aid the revolution. Apparently, Bavarian student protesters seeking an end to censorship had formed an alliance with working-class revolutionaries; together, they were pushing the Bavarian government to constitutional reform and the transfer of powers to the elected assembly. Rumors swirled that the state’s unpopular King Ludwig might even abdicate. When word reached them that the Bavarian rebels had won control of the town center in Ingolbronn, the earl adjusted the course of their ride south. The Ingolbronn protesters lacked only reinforcements to compel the abdication of the local count. Ravensworth meant for his men to make the difference. All that Lenora cared about was that Ingolbronn and Bavaria lay in the direction of Frankfurt—her initial destination and the location of the British ambassador.