There is an old Jewish saying: The deeper the sorrow, the less voice it has. They had not been related but they had been more than friends. She helped his three grown children make the funeral arrangements; he was cremated on a Thursday afternoon. We gathered afterward in his flat and the “children”—everyone called them that but they were at least as old as I was—were very busy making everyone comfortable and going around the place talking about what the old man would have wanted done with this possession and that. The rest of us milled about in a strained way and people drifted out of the place after the decent interval had been observed. Finally the elder daughter came to me and announced to my surprise that a week ago Haim had directed that I receive the military-history portion of his library and certain other books—he had made a list. She gave it to me and asked me to select a convenient time to come and pack the books for shipping to America. I ended up making an appointment to come around on the weekend.