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Read Lateral Thinking (1991)

Lateral Thinking (1991)

Online Book

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0140137793 (ISBN13: 9780140137798)
penguin uk

Lateral Thinking (1991) - Plot & Excerpts

أنت و أنا نضع لمساتنا على حياتنا من خلال أفكارنا الجديدة ، ماء الأمر في هذا الكتاب هو أن تبقى منفتح على كل إحتمالية منخفضة ( التفكير الجانبي ) في حلك لمشكلاتك وقضاياك عوضًا عن اللجوء للإحتمالية العليا ( التفكير العمودي ) ، قضيتك وقضيتي بعد الإنتهاء من قراءة الكتاب ستكون : منح كل فكرة جديدة ستخطر على بالك الأهلية لتنافس في سوق الأفكار الراكدة المعدومة المرونة التي نعايشه ونتوارثه... وكذلك كل فكرة تستحق أن نبحث عنها بطريقة أنيقة مبتكرة ليست المرة الأولى لي في الإطلاع على فِكر إدوارد دي بونو، حيث طُبق برنامج الكورت للتفكير الذي ألفه دي بونو على مستوى مدارس البحرين لتوسعة آفاق الطلبة الموهوبين و تنويع مداركهم و تعزيز ملكة الإبتكار لديهم ، أطلعت عليه بشكل -مختصر- و هالني حجم الضيق الفكري الذي ننتهجه في الحياة في أدق و أكبر معاملاتنا حتى أبسطها وأتفهها فالتفكير المنطقي الذي يريد كسر قيوده يبدو عادة متأصلة فينا وأول خيار آمن لنا، هو مهرب أمثل من تعاريج البحث عن الحل ، ربما يرافق الإخفاق ٩٩٪ من عمليات البحث تلك لكن الإعتياد عليها هو مغنم لمنتهجها على المدى الطويل.- مقتطفات-- ليس التفكير الجانبي إلهامًا بل هو وعيٌ و ممارسة .- ليس التفكير الجانبي خلطة سرّية يتناولها الشخص فيستفيد منها، إنها موقف وعادة عقلية . - ليس التفكير الجانبي شكلاً سحريًا جديدًا بل طريقة أكثرإبداعية في استخدام العقل. - من السهل أن ينجرف الإنسان مع تيار الإحتمالية العليا ويحرم نفسه من فوائد التفكير الجانبي لأنه غير مهتم بالأفكار الجديدة، لكن هل هو مستعد لقبول قيود التفكير العمودي ؟ يحرم عموديو التفكير أنفسهم من الجانب العملي للتفكير الجانبي بالإظافة أنهم يجلبون لأنفسهم سلبيات إتباع الإحتمالية العليا.- من السهل توقع ما سيفعله عموديو التفكير .- يعتبر أصحاب عموديو التفكير الحل الجانبي شكلاً من أشكال الغش .

The book I read to research this post was Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono which is an excellent book which I bought on kindle. Some years ago on television in Britain there was a tv series called De Bono's Thinking Course and I watched a couple of episodes and was quite impressed. Since then he has gone on to write lots of books and I think I may try and read as many of his books as possible. He teaches lateral thinking which many people would call creativity. This is something that isn't encouraged enough in schools. They mostly encourage what he calls vertical thinking which I think could be called technical thinking. Interesting when you develop one kind of thinking it also develops the other type. In the book a lot of emphasis is put on asking questions, to which there doesn't necessarily have to be a right or wrong answer. These kind of answers to which you mustn't pass judgement as that stifles creativity is called po. A typical question you might ask is if having read a story can you look at the story from another characters perspective. Most stories are only told from a limited number of characters perspectives to avoid confusion. Another thing you can do is change some of the details of the story and write that down. A classroom exercise is a teacher can right a kind of who done it? script and leave clues to indicate who the culprit is and ask the class to write down who they think is the murderer and why.

What do You think about Lateral Thinking (1991)?

To me, the crux of this book might be summed up in an epigram that appears in the book. I don't remember it exactly, but the basic premise is that logic can dig a very deep hole--but you won't strike water until you use lateral thinking to decide where to PUT the hole.It reminds me of my experiences with school systems that encourage rote learning. When I first went to such a school, I was extremely impressed by how quickly and thoroughly most of the students were able to memorize things. I've always memorized laboriously, and retained little. I continued being impressed until I brought a problem to some of them. "Look." I said "If you change this, and bring that in, doesn't that imply this result?" They looked at me as if I were speaking Sanskrit. Further questioning revealed that they had memorized the formulae, and could apply them without difficulty--but they couldn't understand what the formulae MEANT, or how they were arrived at, or could be changed.This book is simply a starter for people who want to LEARN rather than memorize. To use Ms Frizzle's line from The Magic School Bus, "Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy." Once you grasp the principle, the rest of the book is mostly exercises and illustrations. Useful, but you could develop your own--and probably should.

The book is really written using Lateral Thinking. The things explained to explain Lateral Thinking are from so many different things that your mind swings here and there often which gives you headache. Change is painful and to think out of the box is also very tough. Bringing things that are not relevant to the context to think innovative needs practice and Edward De Bono has explained it so well that anybody who reads the book will change the way they think when it's time to think of something new. I would recommend everyone to read Edward De Bono.
—Jaimin Dave

Interesting book, offering some processes to generate ideas and solve problems.To me, the main point of the book is to see problems and solutions as patterns, so after you recognize a pattern you can break/rearrange to form new patterns (or new solutions).The author argues that ideas should not be discarded, no matter how ridiculous they seem. Even the most outrageous ideas can provide insights about a problem. It's not important to be right all along the problem solving process, it's only important to be right at the end.
—Renato Besen

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