Leave No Stone Unturned (A Lexie Starr Mystery, Book 1) (2013) - Plot & Excerpts
I was tempted to roll over and go back to sleep, but I could hear music downstairs and knew Harriet was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for me. I didn't want to disappoint her again, so I groaned and stretched, and grudgingly got up to get dressed. I wasn't accustomed to eating early and really just wanted coffee. I hoped Harriet was preparing a light meal, now that she knew I was watching my weight. Not peaches, or anything else about to turn green and furry, but a toasted bagel or a bowl of oatmeal wouldn't be too bad, even at the ungodly hour of six in the morning. "Good morning, sweetie," Sinbad and Harriet said in unison as I entered the kitchen at a minute before six. "Good morning," I said. "Ya be right on time. Yer breakfast be ready in just a sec." "Damn nuisance," Sinbad squawked. I laughed at the parrot and removed a coffee cup from the cup rack. People are indeed creatures of habit, so I instinctively selected the "Lady Luck Casino" cup.
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