Legend With A Six-gun (9781101601839) (2012) - Plot & Excerpts
Longarm and Petrovsky rode abreast. Prud Simmons, not only handcuffed, but tied to his horse by a rope looped around his ankles and passed under the animal’s belly, was half a lariat’s length behind them. The morning air was crisp and clean, tanged with just a breath of autumn’s promise. Longarm said, “Well, Petrovsky, we cleared up more’n one thing. Prud was aiming at me, not you or one of your friends. And it was a personal grudge that hadn’t got a thing to do with the fuss between your friends in the Brethren and the ranchers, or with the election, either.” “Da. Is good to get settled, these things.” Hesitantly, then, he said, “In Amirika, is custom for friends to call first names between each other, nyet?” “Mostly. Or nicknames.” “Ve are friends, Marshal? If is so, you please call me Fedor?” “Why, sure. And—well, a lot of my friends, and a lot of folks who ain’t so friendly, call me Longarm, instead of my real first name, which I ain’t particularly in love with, only it was the one my Ma and Pa gave me, so I bear it right proudly.”
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