Legio XVII: Battle Of The Danube - Plot & Excerpts
They planned to place Bethica’s Attack Group to the northeast. Both groups would be about 200 yards (182.8m) from the northern most Maniples’ fort. Calvus’ engineers rode ahead and were already laying out the camp. With the evacuation of the Teutons from Munich, the Proconsul declared the absence of a threat and gave Calvus permission to establish an encampment without the standard ditch and walls. Other than that, Calvus’ four Legion camp would be set up in the circular manner. Calvus rode forward to find the Proconsul while the Legions continued on to the site. He was anxious to report to Manius the success of his mission. He still felt the need to justify the faith that Manius had placed in him. He knew Manius took a risk to his own reputation by recalling him from Sicily and was determined to not disappoint him. When Calvus entered the Proconsul’s tent, Manius rose from his chair and clasped Calvus’ arm. He smiled broadly and was genuinely pleased to see him. “Tell me Legate, how did it go?”
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