Letters To Penthouse XIII (2007) - Plot & Excerpts
My wife at the time was Ellen, a four-foot-ten-inch, one-hundred-pound, dark-eyed beauty with long black hair. She and her friend April had been out shopping and doing girl things all day. April was a slender blonde with green eyes and a pixie smile. It was getting late when they finally got home.On their way home they had stopped and picked up a few movies at the local rental place, and they decided that April would stay the night so they could watch them. Not knowing this, I had rented a few spicy flicks for Ellen and me to watch after April left. Since I wasn’t into the movies they had brought home, I decided to watch my X-rated stuff in our bedroom.After their first movie had ended, I heard April say something about maybe they should go into the bedroom to see what I was watching. I had taken my clothes off, and not wanting to have to get dressed again, I called out to them that if they came in there they had to be naked. I figured that would stop them, but to my surprise they both walked in and started to strip.
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