This story had lots of pain and angst but Harper Fox's writing style made it all so beautiful. Very poetic and almost lyrical; I must admit to not catching all the complex symbolism and imagery but I was still swept away by it.Matt is suffering and wallowing in his pain. He has self-destructive ways of coping with Joe's betrayal and thank goodness that Aaron sees through this bullshit.One thing I don't understand is why Aaron rejected Matt at the bar the first time? Was he trying to push everyone away due to his guilt and sadness? Dear Author,Thank you for making Matt and Aaron have a happy ending together. They've already suffered so much in their respective lives in the past and I believe they deserve all the best in the world. They are strong, real survivors and winners. They are perfect for each other. Matt deserves Aaron, not the asshole Joe, and Aaron deserves Matt. Gosh, I think my heart broke twice for Aaron's suffering than Matt's. It hurts thinking about it again. I was so touched on what you did in the last two chapters and hoping you would make a sequel of their story. I would definitely read if you make one. Sincerely yours,Anzen
What do You think about Life After Joe (2010)?
Full Review Pending - FANTASTIC audiobook!