3.5*Jason is on the run form the mob and finds Rhys during his trek across the country and away from the baddies.It was sweet and romantic and I ignored some of the questions that were left unanswered about his escape and the FBI and Air.I just wished I seen and felt more of Rhys and Jason's developing feelings and relationship, but the letters were cute and it ended on a very cute and romantic note. 2.5If Rhys is one of the pilots taking people up at the Albuquerque (International?) Balloon Fiesta, his name and other info should be registered with the people running the fiesta, shouldn't it? The launch site for each balloon offering rides is also mapped out and assigned beforehand by the Fiesta, too, I would think. A Mob family with money and connections can't figure out, based on the launch site, the identity of the pilot of the balloon that Jason's riding on, and then use that info to track down Rhys (e.g. Find out what properties he owns and where, etc.)? (All they'd have to do, probably, is ask the other balloon pilots around Rhys's launch site. They wouldn't even have to ask the Fiesta organizers.)
What do You think about Like So Much Hot Air (2012)?
Aww this story was really sweet;-) I really enjoyed it!