This book I 'happened' upon due to Rosemary Wells writing the very popular "Max and Ruby" children's books. I thought that President Lincoln is a FAR stretch from Max and Ruby so my curiosity go the better of me. It's a chapter book written very well. Each chapter is written from either Willie or Tad's point of view. Making the reader seem like they are right with them. The beginning Lincoln has just be defeaded as Congressman. but was talking of running for President. Then the next chapter he has been elected and they live at the white house. and the last is during the Civil War. This gives an insight as to what type of Father Lincoln was to his sons. How he dealt with them during all the stress of what was going on in the world as well. According to the Author's Note in the back everything in the book is real, except a few dialogs and situations where the issues took place. But everything she researched and found from writings from one of the Taft sisters that the Taft boys was playmates of Willie and Tad. And a few other books she researched of close personal friends of the Lincoln's. So it's nice to read a book giving us an inside view of the 'parent' side of Lincoln. This historical fiction (which feels more like creative non-fiction) is well written and researched. It made me love Lincoln even more--what a remarkable father and President. I have a heightened appreciation for how the Lincoln family suffered during the Civil War through reading this book. I also smiled at many of the heart-warming anecdotes.A very easy read and well worth the time. If you share this story with a child, beware--it has some pretty sad moments.
This book is grate!!! Before I had read this book I did not know that much about Lincoln!
Written from Lincoln's little son's point of view. Informative and well done.
A great historical fiction book.