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Read Little People (2003)

Little People (2003)

Online Book

3.42 of 5 Votes: 2
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1841491853 (ISBN13: 9781841491851)

Little People (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

Tom Holt is the English equivalent of Christopher Moore. The big difference is that Mr. Moore puts setup/punchline sets in his chapters, while Mr. Holt is much more subtle and restrained. Douglas Adams is an apt and accurate comparison. Where they are alike is that they both are not shy about setting up outrageous situations but then living within the constraints set up. They also are both very very funny and well worth reading.This is his first book (or at least the earliest of his works that our library has) and is a little weak plot-wise. It is still funny but there are long periods where in an effort to make his plot work it gets less funny.On the other hand it is well worth the read just for the gratuitous shots at Microsoft.

I can honestly say that I have never been more disappointed by a read like this before. The book had several lacking elements: The humor was terrible and dry, the story line had no twists, the characters were dull, and worst of all, there was no message behind the story. I had to force myself through each paragraph hoping it would get better, only to be disappointed. If you want to read a bland story about a fictional world just to do it, then read it. However, entertainment will be absent. But also remember, this is only my personal opinion. Good luck!

What do You think about Little People (2003)?

I seem to have enjoyed a Tom Holt's novel at one point in the past. Having read "Little People" I can't imagine why. Our "hero", Mike Higgins is a wimp even by Holt's standards, he's not even a nerd. Nerds are smart. As usual, he has a hyper-competent, smart girlfriend who's too good for him, and as usual he's a Destined Hero who's totally incompetent. Other characters don't even get names, except for Daddy George, our "villain" who has no depth, no motivation and no actual competence.I really need to learn when to put down a crappy book.

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