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Loaded - Plot & Excerpts

She’d told herself she’d set him straight today. She’d let him know they couldn’t see each other anymore, yet here she was, watching, mesmerized, as he stripped naked and lay down on her massage table. It should be illegal to look so damn sexy.
She poured some warm oil into her hands and set the music to low.
He didn’t bother with the towel. There was no point. They both knew this was going to be an erotic massage.
Rachel licked her lips in anticipation as she came up behind him. She didn’t know which one of them was going to enjoy this more. If she could make him feel as good as he made her feel last night, her years of training for this moment would have been time well spent.
Tucker heaved a sigh as soon as her hands come down on him. He allowed her to work her magic on his tense muscles for a few minutes before he said, “Jesus, baby, I had no idea how much I needed this today.”
He was right. He was tied up in knots, and suddenly she started thinking like a massage therapist intent on satisfying her client, instead of a woman intent on satisfying her man.

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