Looking back along the gallery he inclined his head. 'Attend to Lizette,' he told her, 'and see me in an hour in my office.' He turned and went striding off along the gallery before Charlotte had fully recovered herself, and she watched him for a moment, until he got to the top of the stairs, then she turned swifdy and went nmning along the carpeted gallery to answer Lizette's call. Charlotte had an invitation to drive into Paris with Jean a few days later, and she was still toying with the possibility of asking him if he knew anything about the other Raoid Menais, although she realised she would have to tread carefully. They were driving along a sunny lane towards Paris, looking forward to spending a Sunday afternoon together, when the complex of buildings that made up Menais and Company appeared ahead of them, showing through the trees. Set in rural surroundings it looked freshly white in the spring sun and had none of the ugly brashness of the old type of industrial development and, as she always did, Charlotte glanced at the single-storey complex speculatively.