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Read Love, Stargirl (2007)

Love, Stargirl (2007)

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0375913750 (ISBN13: 9780375913754)
knopf books for young readers

Love, Stargirl (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is such a beautifully written novel. This second book in the series is so much different from the first one. For in the sequel, I was able to understand more about its main character named Stargirl Caraway. At first, I really had a hard time trying to appreciate her for she’s a girl with such a different personality. Which is kind of weird, but what I truly admire about her is her being real and unique. In the first book, it was all about Leo’s Point-of View. His thoughts and feelings about the girl he has a crush on named Stargirl/Susan. In which he was also facing a dilemma whether to be with her, and be rejected by the whole school; or choose them and not be part of their vendetta against her. You could also conclude while reading his POV that meeting her has definitely changed his life forever. So in the second book, it's now all about Stargirl’s Point-of-View, her heartaches and determination to move on from her love for Leo.I must say, this sequel is so beyond unexpected. In the prequel, Stargirl is someone who is so hard to relate into, that sometimes I feel so confuse about her. But in the sequel, she just seems so ordinary. Just reading about her made me realize that she is just like any other character in a young adult novel. But she has this conviction to be true to herself; that she really doesn’t care about what other people might think about her. For she believes that she doesn’t want to be someone who needs to pretend to be somebody else so that she could fit, and lose herself along the way. She is someone who I could say, a person who is born to stand out. What I also like about her is her having such a warm and passionate heart, not only to her love one’s, but even to those strangers around her.This book actually came at the right time when I needed it. For two years ago, I was in a moment that I was struggling so hard. So while I was reading the novel, all the answers that I’ve been looking for during those agonizing days were just there. Those quotes that I was reading were like an enlightenment to what I should really do about what’s happening to me. And for that I'm so thankful for the author for writing a very thought-provoking novel.As I write the last part of my review, I must say that this is a very good book to read. A story that is worth reading for; that many of its readers can truly relate themselves into. For it gives us a chance to look back, and take a glimpse of our teenage years. So if you're a bookworm, and you still haven’t read this novel. Then please do so. For its so beautiful, and so unforgettable.

Di bagian awal saya agak kecewa dengan lanjutan kisah Stargirl. Terlalu datar dan serius. Maksud saya, kita sedang bicara tentang Stargirl bukan? Gadis yang tak pernah mencemaskan hari esok dan hari kemarin, mengapa dan bagaimana...Tapi rupanya perpisahan dengan Leo membekaskan luka yang begitu mendalam padanya, sehingga Stargirl terus berpikir dan bertanya-tanya dan sedih sepanjang waktu. Ya, itu kesan untuk bagian awal buku ini. Murung.Namun sedikit demi sedikit Stargirl mulai kembali menemukan dirinya. Melalui pertemanan yang tidak biasa dengan Dootsie, anak perempuan 'edan' berumur 6 tahun, Alvina si gadis galak, Betty Lou yang sudah 9 tahun tak pernah keluar rumah karena menderita agorafobia, dan Charlie yang selama 4 tahun setelah kematian istrinya Grace, setiap hari duduk dengan setia di sisi makam sang istri. Karena menurut Charlie, cerita hidupnya adalah cerita Charlie dan Grace, yang dicintainya sejak mereka berumur 6 tahun. "Tidak ada sebelum Grace." Saya pun makin cinta pada orangtua Stargirl, yang memberikan ruang seluas-luasnya kepada putri tunggal mereka untuk menjadi diri sendiri. Berapa banyak orangtua yang bersedia menghancurkan seluruh jam di rumah mereka karena putrinya menganggap hidup tidak sepatutnya dibatasi oleh waktu? Berapa banyak yang mau menjahit tenda besar dari kain super tebal agar putrinya bisa merayakan Titik Balik Matahari setelah 46 minggu harus bangun dini hari setiap Kamis untuk mengantar putrinya menancapkan penanda waktu alami di puncak bukit yang gelap?Meskipun begitu, terus terang saya sempat skeptis, kok bisa Stargirl menemukan teman-teman seunik itu dalam satu wilayah perumahan. Terlalu dramatis? Bisa jadi. Tapi kemudian saya berpikir, mungkin kalau kita mau membuka mata dan tidak terpolusi oleh pendapat umum tentang apa yang dianggap 'normal,' sebenarnya orang-orang yang menarik seperti itu bertebaran di sekeliling kita. Hanya saja kita langsung mencap mereka aneh dan tidak mau repot-repot berteman dengan mereka. Apa lagi memahami keunikan mereka...Stargirl sekali lagi menunjukkan bahwa menjadi diri sendiri, diri kita yang sebenar-benarnya, tanpa terpengaruh siapa pun...adalah hal paling indah dan paling damai di dunia.

What do You think about Love, Stargirl (2007)?

In this sequel, Stargirl has moved to a small Pennsylvania town and is a "homeschooler" again. It is told from her point of view, journal style as she writes un-sent letters to Leo. Instead of being the outcast, Stargirl is in a town of unique characters and friends. I didn't find it as honest and fun as the first one, but it is still a nice, heartwarming type book. Jeers: 1. Spinelli is not 100% true to the character he created in the first book 2. character of Dootsie (annoying) 3. Cinnamon the rat (way too much page time)Cheers: 1. getting to know and love Stargirl's parents 2. milkruns with her dad 3. Charlie 4. Arnold

I looked back at my review for Stargirl to find inspiration to write this one, but I didn't review Stargirl! I'm not sure why because I thoroughly enjoyed the book.Love, Stargirl was just as good as Stargirl, but maybe even slightly better because this story was told by Stargirl herself in long letter/diary format. It was a nice contrast being in her head versus being in Leo's head as he observed his confident, non-conformist girlfriend win over and then become alienated by his public high school classmates.In the second book, Stargirl has moved away and is back to being home-schooled, but it doesn't take her long to make friends in her new town. She is drawn to broken and damaged characters, and they are inevitably drawn to her because of her positive spirit and charisma. Through her, they begin to heal, and through them, Stargirl works through the pain of losing her first love.

كتاب را شرح مي دهم: شروع كني و بعد مجبور شوي به جلسه بروي و بعد بخواني و بعد در راه سينما باز بخواني و بعد در راه برگشت و بعد خوابت ببرد و فردا صبح در حال مراقبت هم چند صفحه اي بخواني و بعد جاي صحيح كردن برگه ها و حتي در جلسه ي شوراي تربيتي وقتي همه در حال بحثي هستند كه حس مي كني به تو مربوط نيست چند صفحه، پشت چراغ قرمز وقتي بايد 100 ثانيه و بعد تر 84 ثانيه معطل بماني و توي اتاق قبل از آنچه روسري ات را برداري و تمام مي شود و حس مي كني : هاااااه. بعد تر فكر مي كني كه نمي خواهي برايش يادداشت بنويسي لااقل حالا نه!
—Najme Ghanbari

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