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Read Low Pressure (2012)

Low Pressure (2012)

Online Book

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Hachette Audio

Low Pressure (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Bellamy Lyston Price wrote a fictionalized version of her sister's murder 18 years ago, using a pseudonym. She hoped to be able to jog her memory of the events of that day. Instead, Bellamy's true identity was revealed, creating hard feelings among her family and a media circus. In the midst of all of the turmoil, Bellamy becomes reacquainted with charter pilot Dent Carter. Soon, they are falling in love. I picked this up from the library on the off chance. The story is about Bellamy who was twelve when her sister Susan was murdered. Eighteen years later, in an attempt to try and make sense of it, she writes a novel based on her sister’s murder. Bellamy had hoped to remain anonymous, but the truth of her identity and that it is based on a real event surfaces.Then there is Denton Carter, a pilot who had been Susan’s boyfriend when she was sixteen and till just before she was killed. Circumstances bring him and Bellamy back into each other’s lives and it doesn’t take a genius to figure that the crush Bellamy had on the older and bad boy Dent as a child will become re-ignited. The story concerns the murder case and whether the man jailed for Susan’s murder was indeed the killer. In the process the author throws up a scare campaign against Bellamy and a couple of possible red herrings as to who murdered Susan. But I was never convinced by any of them and had my mind made up early on about the culprit and was proved correct. The fact of usually being able to pinpoint the murderer, the language and graphic details, are reasons I rarely read crime. But at the time I wanted a change. This was my first Sandra Brown novel and I enjoyed it after a fashion, despite those negatives and the fact that it was racier than what I normally read. I admit I largely skipped over the sex scenes, because they bored me. I guess it didn’t help either that I didn’t like Denton or Bellamy for different reasons and some of the dialogue was cringe worthy. I wouldn’t have called this book romantic suspense. There was sex but that’s not the same as romance. Yet it kept me reading, so that is in its favour. It is an easy and quick read but don’t expect any great character insights. But all that aside, I am sure there are plenty of people who will read and enjoy it.

What do You think about Low Pressure (2012)?

Excellent book. Love Sandra Browns books. She keeps your imagination running.

A good book. Keep me interested and an interesting plot.

More like a 4.5! :)

Good read.

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