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Read Lucky Starr And The Oceans Of Venus (1972)

Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus (1972)

Online Book

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1421049260 (ISBN13: 9781421049267)

Lucky Starr And The Oceans Of Venus (1972) - Plot & Excerpts

«It was ok». Ni más ni menos, la verdad. Me esperaba algo más de este autor que ya me había sorprendido hace bastantes años con El viaje alucinante . Pero será que es el tercer libro de una saga de la que no he leído los primeros, o que hace mucho que no pruebo la ciencia ficción.Sea lo que fuera, no me terminó de gustar. Me daba la sensación de que la historia carecía de intensidad, de que no acababa de despegar y todo lo que pasaba, que no era poco, era frío, indiferente, sin sentir yo ningún tipo de implicación en ningún momento. La pareja de personajes protagonistas son la viva imagen del típico par: tío alto y guapo y listo + tipo bajito, más torpe e impulsivo; el primero tira del segundo y así. Lucky, el agente espacial guay, me parece un personaje demasiado perfecto, no tiene ninguna traba, apenas comete un error y siempre se las apaña para salir de forma brillante de cualquier situación. Del marciano (el segundo) que tiene como camarada, Bigman, no hablemos, aunque es un gracioso que me ha animado en cada capítulo, no deja de interpretar su rol de escudero a la perfección. En cuanto a la historia no voy a ahondar mucho ya que, al ser tan corta, os haría spoiler. Le ha faltado profundizar, tenía puntos muy buenos, pero ha sido efímero y frío, un volumen más bien flojo, que me ha desalentado un poco con respecto al autor. No obstante, es una lectura corta y entretenida, aunque no la mejor de Asimov, aún así seguiré probando con más obras suyas.

Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus / 1421049260I enjoy Asimov's Lucky Starr series very much, but this novel is definitely my favorite. I particularly love the "Sherlock Holmes meets Space Opera" feel of the series, right down to tall, wiry Starr/Holmes and his beefy, obtuse sidekick Jones/Watson. The plot of "Oceans of Venus" follows the usual-yet-delightful Lucky Starr mystery format. Something is quite wrong at the lovely underwater station on Venus -- Lucky Starr's friend and fellow councilman has been accused of serious crimes, and the Venusian settlers are behaving very oddly. Can Starr solve this mystery under the sea without being drowned or crushed to death by the ocean's immense pressure? The details of Venus, though in retrospect wrong, are delightful to see here in Asimov's vivid writing; it's extremely interesting to see how science has marched on and what it has learned in the meantime about Venus' surface and climate. The fictional Venusian ocean is beautiful and exotic, and will draw the reader in instantly with its rich, vibrant life -- it's almost a shame, really, that Asimov's original vision didn't pan out to fit with the facts as we know them now. I truly love this novel as a wonderful nostalgic treat on a rainy day. If you like scifi and Sherlock Holmes and haven't been introduced to the beauty of Lucky Starr, definitely check this novel out. I only wish it were available in eBook form. ~ Ana Mardoll

What do You think about Lucky Starr And The Oceans Of Venus (1972)?

This, and some of the other Lucky Starr titles, were some of the first SF books I ever read, from the public library in the small town where I grew up. They started a life-long interest in science fiction for me. I would have thought they were so long out of print that they wouldn't even be found in the book search. But No! Still in print, no doubt because Asimov wrote them. I didn't even know their author ... I suppose because when I read them I didn't know who Asimov was.(On read-in-teens shelf, but probably before that)

reading these books is rather addictive and as I catch myself sneaking a look around at lunch time I realised that its almost furtive and clandestine in my reading of them. There is no shame I am quite open about about my reading at work and although my colleagues makes fun about how much I read they accept it and know I will tear a shred off them if them say a bad word about my reading although there have been some fascinating and lively conversations as a result. Anyway I think from this one rather than the boys adventures in space and time - I think what I realised was that if you enjoy a book once then you will again and that there is neither shame or regret in reading it even if it is years later.

Esta entrega es más corta que las anteriores y la historia no gira alrededor de lo que sucede en el espacio sino que se enfoca más en lo que sucede en un planeta, en este caso Venus y sus océanos. Se vuelve a tocar el tema de los poderes mentales pero no de manera benévola como en la primera entrega sino que esta vez explora las consecuencias de los métodos invasivos y para beneficios egoístas. Es una entretenida historia de acción con una moraleja bastante importante, tomando en cuenta de que esta serie apunta a una audiencia bastante joven.
—Adrián Sánchez

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