Then she had announced that she was taking Mr Bangles and the ducks for a walk, and pushed the little vehicle out of the day room on its squeaky wheels. Sal Greene could hear his granddaughter singing in the hall outside. The dog had its teeth back, but it was still a pup. When it had tried to bite Mina, she'd only got cross and hit it with a spoon. "What does the sword do?" he said. Ravencrag had insisted they return Lye Street. Greene suspected this was because the phantasmacists was worried that his colleagues at the club would start to ask questions about Cope. Ellie had made them breakfast and then retired to her room to let the three men speak in private. Now they reclined in comfortable chairs before the hearth. The thaumaturge inspected the weapon. "It is a mystery," he said. "With the branch I had only to peer into it to be shown wonders through my master's eyes. Yet this appears to be a normal blade." "Maybe it's unbreakable," said Greene.