I thought Earl said it went dead?” I could hear the anchor talking, but it was too soft. “Do you have the remote?” She reached into her pocket, pulling out a remote, and zapping the televisions. “It’s not live. It’s another recorded loop, apparently. He repeats himself three times, same stuff, cuts out, and it starts from scratch. But it was just done about 10 hours ago-about the time that Earl said the radio went out.” The volume increased, and we watched the haggard, clearly exhausted local anchor read from a wrinkled piece of paper, hands visibly trembling. “…repeat, reports are still unconfirmed, but we have received indications that the cities of Boston, New York, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia have been overrun and are no longer safe. Additionally, rural areas from Maine to Virginia have reported outbreaks and incidents in smaller towns outside populated areas. I repeat, if you have loved ones in any of these areas, please do not try to reach them, and do not under any circumstances venture close to these locations.