However, being bigger and sturdier, it had survived the trip a whole lot better. It helped also that the thirty male Xephon soldiers running it knew a fair bit about engineering and ship repairs, so any damage to their own vessel had long since been repaired. Nevertheless, to the Earth women these men were strange humanoid creatures despite how eagerly they had welcomed them aboard their vessel six months ago. In all that time, nobody had been able to find a recognizable constellation or star system, or even a mysterious tunnel anomaly that might spit them out near their own galaxy again, if they were bold enough to jump into it. But jumping in one, of course, was no guarantee they would end up anywhere recognizable again. Kash, as the women’s assigned leader, believed they were safer to stay put than take such a risk, but she wasn’t in charge here—the Xephons were. Kash’s reason for not wanting to try any more wormholes hinged on the fact that at least they knew this place ran on the laws of physics that they were all familiar with.
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